Uganda Police Force issued permission to the following licensed blasters to display fireworks:
- Tomil Fireworks Ltd.
- Quality Lighting (U) Ltd.
- Fireworks 7000 Ltd.
- Light Africa Ltd.
- Goshen Africa Ltd.
- Extremes Events Services Ltd.
- Sky Frames (U) Ltd.
- FESCO Ltd.
UPF also received requests for permission to blast fireworks from hotels, entertainment centers, and areas of worship among others to celebrate the entry into the new year and approved 2900 applications countrywide.
The following guidelines MUST be followed during fireworks displayed:
a} Advertise the fireworks display in both the electronic and print media especially the local FM Radio Stations and newspapers before the display
b} Advertisements in the newspapers must be on pages 1, 2, 3, and or 4 only and must be conspicuous and large enough
c} Fireworks materials to be displayed must not be more than 1.5mm Caliber
d} Fireworks display shall last only FIVE (05) minutes from the time of the first blast
e} Counter Terrorism (CT) police personnel will escort the fireworks materials and supervise the display together with the area District Police Commanders (DPCs) to ensure security for the fireworks and appropriate measures to protect the public from any possible dangers that may arise during the display
f} Any fireworks materials not displayed must be handled by a person with explosives blaster license (Fireworks license)
g} Officials from Counter Terrorism Police and area DPCs must carry out prior inspection of the venue to ascertain suitability for fireworks display and,
h} Area DPCs reserve the power to stop the display if not satisfied with adherence to these guidelines.
i} Failure to comply will lead to immediate termination, before or during the display including any other actions that may be deemed necessary.
j} We advise the public to refrain from burning tires as we welcome the new year.
k} We also caution individuals with firearms against firing shots into the air as they celebrate the New Year
There are several entertainment and music events/shows that are scheduled as we enter the new year 2025. Our earlier shared guidelines still stand:
- No event shall be allowed that did not acquire clearance from the Inspector General of Police.
- .Organizers of events MUST jointly plan for the security of their events with the district security, other regulatory authorities, and stakeholders.
- Host venues MUST meet safety requirements set by the police and other regulatory authorities such as having emergency exits, assembly points, and emergency firefighting equipment.
4. Venues shall not host numbers beyond their capacity. Overcrowding of venues is prohibited.
5. flammable materials to public gatherings are discouraged.
Other guidelines shall be issued by the area police commanders based on their appreciation of the venues and events.
- The entry into the new year is going to be characterized by prayer sessions. These sessions will attract large congregations and are likely to run for longer sessions than usual e.g. running into the night (Overnight prayers)
- Organizers of these sessions MUST co-plan with the district security committees to ensure that congregations are secure and safe.
Uganda is one of the countries at the front of fighting global terrorism. Our country faces threats from Terrorist organizations.
We have put our personnel on a high level of alert to detect crime and avert potential threats.
We equally urge the population to team up with security forces in ensuring safe neighborhoods.The following are our telephone contacts in the event of emergencies and incidents that require our response. These telephone contacts are available 24hrs a day, seven days a week:
Courtesy: PoliceUg